Create Your Own Solar Eclipse!

On Monday, April 8th there will be a total solar eclipse that will cross the eastern side of Canada from southern Ontario, and Quebec towards the Maritimes, following the path of totality over two of our great lakes and the St. Lawrence River.

Millions of people throughout North American will be witnessing this rare celestial event, which won’t happen again over parts of Canada until 2044.

Depending on where you live, the Great North American Eclipse will take approximately 2 ½ hours in duration, with the actual total eclipse event lasting only 2-3 minutes.

You can check your city on this Eclipse Simulator to see the event times.


Watching it Safely

We all know that you cannot look in the direction of the sun without eye damage.  So, if you are going to be participating in an Eclipse Watch Party, please ensure that you have proper eyewear.  Many municipalities are offering free Solar Eclipse glasses, or you can purchase them at several camera retailers.  Make sure that the legitimate eclipse glasses bear the manufacturer’s name and address on the label, and the ISO code IS 12312-2 is clearly noted.  Eclipse glasses must not be scratched, torn or punctured.

If you don’t have your solar eyewear, or you are not able nor interested, you can watch the event on television or in the local media.

Or, you can have a little fun and create your own “fun in the bathtub” Solar Eclipse!




  1. Check out the actual solar eclipse times happening close to you, so you know when to start your bath.
    • The complete process occurs over 2 ½ hours, starting around 2:00p in southern Ontario; however, you may not wish to be in the bathtub that long, unless you are really enjoying yourself. The inline heater helps to keep your water at your desired temperature, so stay in as long as you want!
    • The total eclipse starts at 3:13p (for 2-3 minutes) in southern Ontario, and at 5:09p in Newfoundland.
  2. With your ComfortSeries™ chromatherapy lights turned on to yellow or red (sun) at 2p, use your bath scrunchie or round loofah (moon), and follow the timeline for complete totality using your bath lights.


Did you know that you can even do this without the water in the bathtub?

Maybe you are babysitting your grandkids, and looking for something fun to do.  All you have to do is turn out the bathroom lights, sit in the bathtub, and turn on the chromatherapy lights, and follow the fun instructions above.


While this activity may seem silly, it’s still fun, and it gets you in your hydrotherapy tub for a massage session— for relaxation, and maybe reduce some aches and pains along the way.


Chromatherapy Tip:

When the sun is not shining as brightly in dreary weather, we can feel gloomy too.  ComfortSeries™ chromatherapy lights are designed to assist with emotional wellness, and can help support your mental well-being using light therapy.  Just sit in your ComfortSeries™ bathtub (with or without water) and turn on the chromatherapy lights, as often as you need.

For more information on ComfortSeries™ spa bathtubs and the healing benefits of Chromatherapy, scan the QR code with your digital device.

by American Standard Walk-in Tubs—Canada


Caregivers: Are you looking for Safe, Accessible Bathing Solutions?

With the strategy of reducing the incidence of falls, and enabling individuals to remain independent in their home or place of residence; American Standard Walk-in Tubs Canada works with families, caregivers, and health professionals in providing suitable safe, accessible bathing solutions to you. Continue reading “Caregivers: Are you looking for Safe, Accessible Bathing Solutions?”

Poor Circulation in Legs: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

  1. What is Poor Leg Circulation?
  2. Causes of Poor Circulation
  3. Symptoms of Poor Circulation
  4. Treatments for Poor Leg Circulation

The circulatory system delivers blood, oxygen, and nutrients to all cells in the body. When blood flow in your body is reduced, you may start to experience the symptoms of poor circulation in your legs and feet. These symptoms can include numbness and muscle cramping, and one of the most common areas for poor circulation is the legs. If you believe you are suffering from poor circulation symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor and learn how to improve blood circulation.

Let’s look at the causes, symptoms, and treatments of poor leg circulation:

What is Poor Leg Circulation?

Poor leg circulation, or peripheral artery disease (PAD), is a circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to your limbs. While it commonly occurs in the legs, peripheral artery disease can also affect the peripheral arteries to the stomach, arms, and head. The arteries harden due to plaque buildup in the arteries and blood vessels, and this blocks the normal blood flow through the vessels and results in poor circulation in the legs.

While it isn’t a condition in itself, poor leg circulation may be a sign of larger health issues. If you’re experiencing the associated symptoms of poor blood circulation, it’s important to consult with your doctor, who can check for other health complications that may worsen over time. These can include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol, and various heart and arterial conditions.

What Causes Poor Circulation in the Legs?

Poor leg circulation is often caused by a health condition called atherosclerosis. With atherosclerosis, fatty deposits (or plaque) build up and constrict your artery walls, reducing blood flow. It starts with damage to the endothelium, a thin layer of cells around the arteries, often caused by high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol. When the endothelium is damaged, bad cholesterol enters the artery wall and leads to the formation of plaque.

As atherosclerosis progresses, plaque builds up and narrows the arteries in the legs. This limits the blood flow to your muscles.

Other factors that increase your risk for poor leg circulation include:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Increasing age, especially after age 50
  • A family history of peripheral artery disease, heart disease, or stroke
  • Lack of regular exercise
  • Unhealthy diet

Those who smoke or have diabetes have a higher risk of poor leg circulation because of reduced blood flow.

What are the Symptoms of Poor Leg Circulation?

People with poor leg circulation may experience muscle pain and cramping in the legs. This leg pain is usually caused by physical activity, like walking, but disappears after a few minutes of rest. The location of the leg pain depends on where the narrowed artery is. It can also affect different muscle groups, such as the hip, thigh, foot, and calf.

Symptoms of poor blood circulation in legs include:

  • Leg numbness or tingling
  • Cramping in hip, thigh, or calf muscles after physical activity
  • Discoloration in legs
  • Coldness in lower leg or foot
  • Sores on your toes, feet, or legs

If poor circulation in your legs continues to persist over time, you may feel leg pain even when you’re sitting or lying down.

What are the Treatments for Poor Leg Circulation?

Poor leg circulation is a common problem, especially as we age. Fortunately, there are simple habits and lifestyle changes you can make to reduce pain associated with poor circulation in legs. While it’s important to consult with your doctor, here are some ways you can improve circulation in your legs at home:

Exercise Regularly

Although it can be difficult for those with poor leg circulation, exercise has been shown to improve blood flow and reduce leg pain. A lack of physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, is one of main causes of poor leg circulation.

Walking is a great exercise for poor leg circulation because it promotes the production of new blood vessels in the legs. This helps improve blood circulation and exercise tolerance. You may feel some pain and cramping in the legs at first, so start off slow by walking for 30 minutes three to five times a week. Then, gradually increase the duration to 60 minutes. As you adjust to walking regularly, you’ll see improved circulation in the legs and increased blood flow the rest of your body.

Resistance training is another good way to improve blood circulation in your legs. It increases muscle strength by making your muscles work against weights or force. This can help reduce muscle pain and cramping from poor leg circulation. Examples of exercises include leg extensions, hamstring curls, leg press, and squats. Similar to walking, it’s important to start off slowly and then gradually increase your repetitions as you get used to regular training.

Eat Healthier

healthy, well-balanced diet is an important part of preventing plaque buildup in your arteries. Eating healthfully can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol, which can all contribute to poor leg circulation and other serious health issues. Include more antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, and less sodium. Other ideas to incorporate include:

  • Whole grains: great source of fiber, and can decrease cholesterol levels and improve circulation
  • Fish: contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help decrease blood clot formation, cholesterol levels, and plaque buildup
  • Garlic: decreases cholesterol buildup in the arteries of the legs
  • Citrus fruits: high in vitamin C, which strengthens capillary walls and prevents plaque buildup
  • Cayenne pepper: increases metabolic rate and strengthens arteries and blood vessels

Use Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy uses water to treat various health problems, including poor leg circulation. With hydrotherapy, the body is exposed to alternating hot and cold water. The body reacts to hot and cold water by expanding and constricting the arteries and veins. This promotes increased blood flow and circulation, and reduced sensitivity to pain.

Practice hydrotherapy in your bath by relaxing in a quick, 15-minute warm bath. This will help expand your blood vessels to improve blood flow to your legs. Don’t stay in for too long to avoid overheating. Walk-in tubs are great for whole-body hydrotherapy because they offer a deep soak, maximizing the benefits of hydrotherapy. Many walk-in tubs are equipped with a whirlpool or airbath feature for a relaxing and enjoyable hydrotherapy session.

American Standard’s ComfortSeries™️ Accessible & Walk-in Tubs are equipped with RevitaJet™ Whole Body Hydrotherapy System with 44 air and water jets that are strategically placed to create the ultimate at-home hydrotherapy experience in the comfort of your bathtub.  The jets can be adjusted and positioned to target any specific sore spots or wherever you feel your body most needs a massage.  This at-home massage therapy can be incredibly useful for all ages, but especially seniors who have limited mobility.  The ComfortSeries™️ Accessible Tub is safe and easy to get in and out of, and the jets are a therapeutic way to receive a daily massage for your whole body.  The massaging jets can target the back, legs, wrist and feet, which are common pain points for people with arthritis.  Whether you elevate the water temperature or stick with your usual heat, incorporating massage into your hydrotherapy session will further stimulate blood circulation in legs and feet, helping you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Poor leg circulation is a common occurrence, and making a few life changes can help alleviate the symptoms of poor blood circulation in your legs. If you have any concerns in regards to your blood circulation, meet with your doctor to discuss treatment. For more information about the benefits of a walk-in tub to improve leg circulation, contact American Standard Walk-In Tubs Canada today.

7 Fun Activities to Maintain a Healthy Heart

This year on Valentine’s Day, we’re dedicating this post to improving heart health. The best way to stay healthy is having a smart lifestyle — especially as we get older! Here are a few fun activities you can engage on Hearts Day to make sure you’re keeping your lifestyle healthy, today and every day.

Fun Activities to Maintain a Healthy Heart

1. Get Moving

Aerobic physical activity or cardio is a great option for seniors looking to boost heart health. And the best part? You don’t have to jog! Cardio is easy to do and inexpensive. Plus, it’s a great way to spend family time. Could a neighborhood walk with your kids really improve your physical health? Yes!

To get the ball rolling, here are some moderate-intensity exercises for your heart and lungs that you can do to improve heart health.

  • Brisk walking
  • Tennis
  • Swimming or water aerobics
  • Cycling
  • Hiking

Just remember to speak to your doctor before you start an exercise program.

2. Spend Time With Your Pet

Pets have been proven to reduce stress, which is one of the leading causes of heart health problems. Pet owners demonstrate lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, which reduces their risk of heart attack. During American Heart Month, give your pet extra cuddles, take a walk for some aerobic physical activity, or adopt a furry friend. Your heart will definitely appreciate it. Woof!

3. Treat Yourself to Some Chocolate

Believe it or not, one of the yummiest ways to improve your heart health is by eating chocolate. Although nutritionists agree that dark chocolate has the most health benefits, there is a study showing that all kinds of chocolate may help lower your risk of heart problems. If dark chocolate is your favorite sweet treat, you’re in luck. Dark chocolate contains less sugar, a higher ratio of cocoa, and more antioxidants. Eating chocolate helps you balance your cholesterol!

4. Have a Laugh

Go to see a comedy show, laugh with friends, or watch funny videos! Laughter tends to reduce blood pressure and a sense of humor is even better for your health. There is research showing the greater your sense of humor is, the lower the risk you have of developing heart disease. Laughing at humorous things also helps battle against distressing emotions like depression, anxiety, and anger, all of which increase the likelihood of heart problems. The saying “Laughter is the best medicine” truly does hit home with this heart healthy activity.

5. Eat Breakfast

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it turns out that this morning meal can help you for years to come. A study of over 4,000 participants found that those who get less than five percent of their daily calories from breakfast (100 of the 2,000 recommended for women) were more likely to have clogged and damaged arteries than those who eat a high-energy breakfast (over 400 calories for women). Grab your fresh fruit, whip up some eggs, and improve your heart health with a tasty breakfast every day.

6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Blissful, uninterrupted sleep is a necessary activity we all enjoy after a long day. You wake up feeling rested and energized after a good night’s sleep and your body benefits from it, too. Not getting enough sleep can lead to negative side effects. According to a 2017 study of nearly 13,000 adults, researchers found that those experiencing poor sleep had a 71% higher risk of ischemic heart disease and a 45% higher risk of stroke. There’s an easy solution, folks. Get those eight hours of shut eye and you’ll improve your heart health, as well as your memory and concentration.

7. Have a Hot Bath

Soaking in a hot bath is an effective way to relax your mind and rejuvenate your body. Bathing has also been found to reduce stress and improve your heart health. Recent studies have shown that people who take at least five hot baths a week have significantly lower markers of atherosclerosis and cardiac loading. Basically, five baths a week can improve your cardiovascular system, including circulation.

For today and the months to come, enjoy a daily bath with all the fun add-ons like candles, bubble bath products, and music. Just make sure you’re staying safe in the bathroom. A walk-in tub is a great way to increase ease-of-use and lower your chances of falling.

There’s no better time to start taking care of your health than Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t have to be a chore either. Improve your heart health with these fun activities that can help you be healthier and happier for the years to come.

Want to learn more about the best walk-in tub in Canada? Click the button below to get a free estimate!

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Four of the Best Lower-Back Stretches for Seniors

As you get older, taking care of your body is even more important. Stretching is a great way to alleviate tension and pain in your lower back, strengthen your core and back muscles, and maintain your agility. Let’s look at some of the best lower-back stretches for seniors to include in a daily routine. As always, check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, and stop a stretch if you ever feel uncomfortable.

Child’s Pose

Level: Easy

Child’s pose is a classic yoga pose that helps release tension in your lower back, and it also stretches your shoulders and upper back. To get into child’s pose:

  • Grab a yoga mat and get on all fours.
  • Sit your hips back, leaving your arms outstretched in front of you.
  • Get as close as you can to having your rear touch your feet. Your back should round and you should feel the muscles in your lower back release.

Watch how to do child’s pose here.


Modifications for Child’s Pose:

If getting into the full child’s pose is difficult for you, try the following modifications:

  • If you can’t get your hips to touch your heels, either because of injury or mobility issues, instead stretch your arms forward. You can also widen your knees (a little wider than hip distance), make sure your heels are still together, and send your hips back this way. This will help you get your hips a little further down.
  • If you find your neck straining in child’s pose, try putting a yoga block down and rest your head on it. That way, your head will be elevated and you won’t be forced to push it into the ground.
  • Lastly, if you don’t want to stretch your arms forward due to shoulder issues, you can always bend your arms parallel to your shoulders and rest your head on your hands.

Back Twist in a Chair

Level: Medium

Gently twisting from one side to the other helps stretch your back and core. This stretch is best done while sitting up straight in a hard-backed chair. Simply:

  • Sit up straight in your chair.
  • Put both arms straight over your head, then take them both down to your left side. You can grab the back of the chair for a deeper stretch, or just twist as far as is comfortable.
  • Repeat on the other side by putting your arms straight up and bringing them down on your right side.
  • When twisting, look to the side that your arms are on. This will help stretch your neck, as well.

Watch how to do a back twist in a chair here.

Modifications for Back Twists:

If you can’t twist your body very far, that’s okay! An easy modification is to just twist as far as you are comfortable. Some people may be able to twist so far that they can look behind them, and some may only be able to twist as far as putting their hand on their hip. No matter where you are, only twist as far as you feel comfortable. Spine twists are very beneficial when done correctly, but care should be taken on this sensitive area.

Cat-Cow Yoga Pose

Level: Medium

Cat and cow are complementary yoga poses that arch your back and then let it drop. Here is how to do cat-cow pose on the floor:

  • Grab a yoga mat and get on all fours.
  • Gently arch your back away from you, drawing in your core and pressing your spine to the sky. This is cat pose.
  • Then, drop your spine and arch your back into a reverse C shape, and look up to the ceiling. Push your hips up to really feel the stretch and increase the curvature of your spine. This is cow pose.
  • Alternate between the two to get the full range of movement. Cat pose pushes your spine to the ceiling, while cow pose arches your back and releases lower-back muscle tension.

Watch how to do cat-cow here.

Modifications for Cat-Cow:

For a simple modification, try doing the cat-cow pose in a chair rather than on the floor. This modification is great if you have shoulder issues. To do this move in a chair, simply rest your hands on the bottom of the chair, and look up to the ceiling and arch your back (cat), then look down at the floor and curve your back (cow).

Lying Knee Twist

Level: Hard

This stretch is similar to the back twist, but it is done on the floor and uses the weight of your legs to deepen the stretch. How to do a lying knee twist:

  • Lay flat on the ground facing up with your arms spread to the side in a T shape.
  • Bend your right knee and let it gently fall to your left side. Keep your left leg straight.
  • Repeat by bending your left knee and letting it gently fall to your right side. Keep your right leg straight.

Watch how to do a lying knee twist here. To deepen the stretch, you can also bend both legs at the same time and move from from side to side, like shown in this video.

Modifications for Knee Twist:

We rated the lying knee twist as a hard level because it twists your back with the whole weight of your legs. While not a direct modification, a similar stretch is the Beauty Queen. Simply sit on the ground, bend one leg and cross it over the other, and look in the opposite direction. This stretch is easy to modify for your own flexibility and mobility because you can adjust your leg (drawing it closer in is harder) and twist only as far as you need. This is still a more advanced stretch, but it’s a good alternative if you don’t want to do the lying knee twist on the ground.

Take Your Stretching Further

Once you feel comfortable with your lower-back stretches, you can take them up a notch by stretching in the bath. Warm baths have been loved for their therapeutic properties for centuries because of the water’s buoyancy and relaxing properties. Usually the cause of lower back pain is muscle-based (unless you have a specific injury or ailment), and warm water relaxes your muscles so you can deepen your stretches. Try some gentle stretching, such as the back twist described above, in your walk-in tub for a full-body release. Your lower back will thank you!


Safe Workouts for Seniors


We all have New Year’s Resolutions and if one of yours is to incorporate more exercise into your routine, these workouts for seniors can help! There’s no reason to make excuses because in as little as 15 minutes, you can get moving and enjoy the many benefits of exercise.

Let’s look at some safe, effective 15-minute workouts for seniors!

A Walk Outside (or on the Treadmill)

The easiest (and most affordable) way to get moving is just to take a walk outside. Or, if the weather doesn’t permit this winter, take a walk on the treadmill. This exercise should be no more than 60-75% of your maximum heart rate (which is 220 minus your age). Aim for this fat burning zone to both burn calories and increase your cardiovascular strength. For example, if your target heart rate is 165 bpm, a brisk walk should do the trick. If you’re inside, try turning up the incline to imitate walking up hill. This will help raise your heart rate and stimulate more muscles in the legs and glutes.

Wall Push Ups

Regular push ups might be hard for some people, but wall push ups are the perfect upper body workout for seniors because they are low impact for sensitive joints, safe, and effective. Simply stand in front of a sturdy wall about two feet away. Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height. Keep your body straight and bend your elbows so your body leans in toward the wall. Stop with your face as close to the wall as you can get, then push yourself back up. Watch a video demonstration of wall push ups here.
For your full 15-minute workout, try doing 50 seconds of the exercise with 10 seconds rest. You can combine wall push ups with other upper body work, like bicep curls with household items.

Chair Squats

Squats are a great way to work the hamstrings and glutes, but bending down to the ground to do a full squat might be out of the question. But, that doesn’t mean you have to give up this beneficial exercise. In fact, squats are one of the best workouts for seniors because they help improve functional movement that you use every day.

For chair squats, simply set up a sturdy chair and stand about a foot in front of it. Keeping your back straight and your chest upright, sit back into the chair. Instead of putting all your weight down, try to just touch the chair with your glutes and then stand back up. This continuous tension will help your muscles grow! If you want to step it up a notch, try adding some dumbbells for extra weight. Just make sure to stretch it out before and after your workout to avoid injury.


There are countless dance classes at the gym, but you can have a dance party right in your own living room and get a great workout! If you’re serious about getting your dance on, there are plenty of online resources to learn how to dance. Or, simply put on your favorite playlist and get moving! Don’t worry about looking a little silly, we all need a laugh or two here and there.

Back Leg Raises

While you have your chair out from your chair squats, let’s add another lower body workout for seniors. Back leg raises are a great move to work the hamstrings and glutes and a similar movement is used in a lot of barre, yoga, and ballet classes.

Stand behind a chair and slowly lift one leg straight back without bending your knees or pointing your toes. Instead, flex your foot downward. Hold that pose for one to five seconds, depending on your strength level. Repeat this ten to fifteen times per leg. If you want to try mixing it up, pulse five times while your leg is at its highest point to maintain tension in the muscle. More variations can be found in this barre-inspired video. You’ll have a better shaped behind in no time!

Age is just a number when it comes to moving your body. This year, ditch the excuses and try these workouts for seniors right in your own home. Build a complete workout routine to start 2022 off right.

To help you relax after your exercising program, rejuvenate your body and relax your mind in a hot bath.  A ComfortSeries bathtub can help your body recover.

Want to learn more about the best walk-in tub in Canada? Click the button below to get a free estimate!

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*Health experts suggest that you talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program.